Science Tutor
My Science experience
I have been teaching Science for more than 20 years at successful secondary schools and 5 years at City University London. I have several University degrees: BSc, MSc in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Aeronautics.
Why you want to learn with me
I am passionate about the subject. Come with me on a journey experiencing the beauty of Science and STEM. My teaching shows you daily life applications. Your learning will be fast and enjoyable because it is tailored to you personally. Whether you are looking for Primary, KS3, Entry Level Certificates or GCSE tuition, I will help you. You will discover how and why the world and all the species in it work as they do.
Where will you discover the fascination of Science
We offer both online and face to face tutoring. Where is your mind open and ready to learn? At home or on our beautiful farm. You decide.
First lesson is a free taster: so that we get to know each other and can set the sail to start the journey through the galaxies of learning new things. Please feel free to get in touch for hourly rates.