German conversation Tutor

My German roots

I am German and lived in Bochum, a town close to Dortmund in the Ruhr-Valley area, for thirty one years. There, I went to a Primary school (Grundschule) named ‘Hohe Eiche‘ (tall oak) after the road in which it is located. I continued my education at the local Grammar school called ‘Lessing Gymnasium‘ named after a well-known German writer of classical literature,  Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729 to 1781). I passed my A-levels (Abitur) in 1984, the famous George Orwell year. My final A-level subjects were Maths, Physics, Geography and German.

Why you want to learn with me

I am a native speaker. Come with me on a journey through the German language. We will have conversations about all parts of daily life, politics, literature, nature, our life on our beautiful smallholding or whatever you are interested in. Your learning  will tailored to you personally. It will be fast and enjoyable. Whether you are looking for school qualifications, e.g. GCSE or A-level, or you would like to practise your conversational skills for holidays or business, I will help you. You will discover the beauty of the language with all its funny and interesting sayings applied to daily life situations. Finally, you will be able to read an intellectual magazine like Der Spiegel.

Where will you learn to speak fluently German – online or face to face

Where do you feel most relaxed and open to learning? At home online or on our farm in one of our beautiful outbuildings? The choice is yours.

Other ways to learn with us

For a long time we’ve been running an informal morning “Kaffee und Kuchen” German conversation group which has had a great reception! You can find the next meeting date in the solid green banner at the very top of the page – or of course feel free to get in touch and ask us about it if you have any questions.

Alongside the Kaffee und Kuchen group, we are running two more German study groups! One for beginners who are just starting out and want to get a feel for the language 🇩🇪, and a more advanced group for people who already know their rechts from their links and are looking to become completely fluent, or just keep in practice 🇩🇪 🇩🇪.

Please contact us for the next meetings of both, the beginners and the advanced learning group.

Fees – ‘Wieviel kostet mich der Spass?

First lesson is a free taster: we get to know each other and can set sail to start the journey through Deutsch. Please feel free to get in touch for hourly rates. Come with a friend to share the costs and to have more fun.