Half term fun!

Looking for a enjoyable half term activity (with a little bit of learning). Some craft, something to take home, some hot chocolate with toasted marshmallows, a little bit of fun French.

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October 8, 2024

German conversation group

A wonderful time at the German Breakfast! Old friends and new contacts, homemade bread rolls, jams, spreads and apple juice and German specialities. We meet once a month for conversation in German (and English!)

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September 29, 2024

Apple Pressing

The apples are ripe and it’s time for Gaby to press the apples. It’s hard work, but worth it for the delicious organic apple juice.

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September 27, 2024

Maths lessons in the sunshine!

Weather so lovely today that could have our maths lesson in the garden. Place value board game with lots of practical practice … and afterwards we went to feed the chickens together.

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September 17, 2024

Sustainable honey harvest

In spite of this summer’s weather – it’s becoming an ongoing theme! – Gabi has been harvesting honey this week. At Rails farm, we have two hives producing honey from the flowers on our small holding and the surrounding fields and gardens. Bees can fly up to three miles to forage, so if you live […]

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September 11, 2024

Tutoring and Year 6

Year 6 is a pivotal and memorable year. There are SATs and transition, but also year 6 plays and concerts, residentials and the much-anticipated leavers’ service. These experiences help to build strong friendships and create lasting memories. Year 6 is a very special and significant time in a child’s life. Many year 6 pupils start […]

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September 6, 2024

Haymaking finished for Rails Farm smallholding

Dodging the rain, we finally finished baling our hay for the winter! Traditional management of flower-rich grassland for haymaking is important for biodiversity and conservation. Once the plants have flowered and set seed, the meadows are cut for hay between July and September. The hay is dried and baled and the meadows can then be […]

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September 3, 2024

Haymaking for Rails Farm smallholding

With the unpredictable weather this summer, we are making the most of a beautiful afternoon to turn the hay today. If the weather holds, we will be able to bale it on Saturday – traditional small bales to store for the winter. It will keep the sheep and alpacas going over the winter and allow […]

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August 30, 2024

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Come and practice your German!

August’s German Breakfast Club – Deutsche Frühstück – took place in glorious sunshine under the shade of the willows in the garden at Rail’s Farm. As usual, we shared Gaby’s homemade bread rolls with jams and honey produced on the farm, while conversation ranged from ‘things our dogs do’ to gathering tips for upcoming holidays […]

Read More Come and practice your German!
August 19, 2024

Christoph at 60

A landmark at Rails Farm – Christoph celebrated his 6oth! Students, friends and family enjoyed a splendid spread of vegetables and salads grown on the farm. The highlight was the arrival of the Sarah Hedrin’s cake, presented in style to the accompaniment of Ode To Joy  on the harmonica. As Christoph’s students will know, each […]

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August 8, 2024