All manner of tutoring – how can we help your child?

I left school this summer to become a tutor. The joy of tutoring is its variety.

I am teaching a range of children: some at school needing extra support with maths and English, some doing extra languages at primary or secondary level (French, Spanish and German) for fun or looking to gain qualifications, and some children who are home educated for various reasons.

Sometimes I can help with the provisions in a child’s EHCP; sometimes I can help with French verbs. Often the provision changes as the child’s needs change and we get to know each other.

I love tutoring because we can tailor the lessons exactly to the child’s needs and interests, combining French with paper maché or maths with hopscotch. In the summer we can learn outside and now the weather is colder we sometimes draw out our learning on the floor!

Our cats, dogs and ducks are very popular and love meeting new children.

Contact me if you think I could help your child; or if you would just like to chat about possibilities.

November 30, 2024

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