Hello I am Isla the new primary teacher

After 25 years as a primary school teacher, I have finally decided to leave school teaching in order to focus completely on tutoring. I tutor in person and, increasingly, online.

Tutoring allows me to focus on the needs of individual children and small groups, tailoring my support to their specific needs and interests which, with the best will in the world, is not possible in a class of 30 children.

So this is a perfect time to introduce myself and explain what I can offer!

I am an advanced skills teacher with considerable experience of all primary years, teaching all subjects. I have always found that following children’s interests, linking school subjects to the real world and adding creativity through art, music and poetry leads to the best outcomes – and the most fun!

I particularly enjoy the challenge for making year 6 SATs learning enjoyable and building up confidence in areas such as grammar and spelling (‘SPaG’), creative writing and maths at year 6 level. In order to help with this, I am formalising my experience in supporting children with special needs by gaining a qualification in supporting children with specific learning difficulties.

With my ‘other hat’ on, I teach French, German and Spanish from primary through to GCSE, as well as adult beginner and intermediate groups. I enjoy the variety of teaching the different ages; it requires very different approaches, but the focus is always on speaking and enjoyment.

Do contact me through this website or my Facebook page if you would like any further information.

July 9, 2024

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